Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Free Hamlet Essays: Little Control in Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Little Control in Hamlet   Despite the fact that Hamlet is a ruler, he has little power through an incredible span. In that time numerous things were chosen for the sovereigns and princesses, for example, their instruction and even who they wedded. This was pretty much the ordinary lifestyle for an offspring of the ruler. Be that as it may, on account of Hamlet, any of the control he thought he had, fell away with the homicide of his dad. Having his dad, the ruler, be slaughtered by his own sibling, sent Hamlet into a condition of feeling defenseless and crazy. Cooped up in a royal residence with no genuine outlet, he attempts to control at any rate one part of his life. Hamlet purposely plays with Ophelia's feelings so as to feel in charge of something since he can't control the circumstance with Claudius. So much is going on in Hamlet's life, his dad's demise, his uncle's ascent to control, Fortinbras good to go to strike and attack Denmark, and his relationship with Ophelia, that he is feels vulnerable and not even in charge of his own life. He feels caught and restricted by his circumstance and therefor not in charge of it. Hamlet feels as though the circumstances that he is in are controlling him as opposed to he having the option to control them and he feels caught by them, especially the circumstance with Claudius. Hamlet: †¦What have you, my old buddies, merited because of Fortune that she sends you to jail here? Guildenstern: Prison my master? Hamlet: Denmark's a jail (Act 2, Scene 2, sections 242-247) Hamlet even ventures to such an extreme as to consider Denmark a jail since he feels so caught in his life there and feels so defenseless to change his circumstance, as though he were secured in it like a jail cell. Another understanding could be that Hamlet is despairing and uncertain, and isn't attempting to control anybody. He is giving just to deliver retribution a shot Claudius, at which he falls flat for absence of a perfect time. Hamlet: Now may I do it pat, now'a is an asking, And now I do it. What's more, so'a goes to paradise. Thus I am revenged†¦But in our condition and course of thought, 'Tis substantial with him; and afterward I am vindicated, To take him in the cleansing of his of his soul†¦No.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Caribbean Essay -- essays research papers

Numerous individuals will consider Caribbean Islands as a decent spot for an escape get-away. In any case, recorded foundation of Caribbean is to some degree extraordinary. Caribbean has a long history of colonization and subjection for some ages. As new colonization was built up, new societies and dialects were presented.      People keeps an eye on just spotlight on the splendid side of the Columbus⠡â ¯s incredible find of the new land and colonization of the European nations and can without much of a stretch disregard the annihilation and the harms of the lives of local nations. who were the principal Caribbean some time before the Columbus⠡â ¯s revelation, were nearly cleared out by the merciless intrusion of the European nations alongside their societies and their dialects. The Europeans held onto Caribbean yet when they need the slaves for the sugar businesses, they were brought from every single diverse piece of Africa as a human freight. Among the slaves, they had numerous social contrasts just as dialects themselves since they were brought from various areas of Africa.  â â â â When subjugation was deserted all through the Caribbean in mid-nineteenth century, the monetary and political structure that controlled the island remained. The exslaves had to work underneath the base wages. Enormous number of Caribbean emigrated wanting to discover better affordable chances. So as to supplant the missing number of laborers, numerous Asian workers were brought to Caribbean. This came about I...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Politics And Society Essays - Campaign Finance In The United States

Legislative issues and Society Media, cash, and the First Amendment are three key impacts in a fruitful political run. Media inclusion is imperative to acquaint general society with the up-and-comer and to show where he remains on specific issues. Cash is expected to purchase TV and radio time. The First Amendment ensures everybody the right to speak freely, yet in what capacity would this be able to be sensibly characterized. One potential arrangement would be limitations on the measure of cash that people can give to help their up-and-comers. Current media has affected and perhaps modified the historical backdrop of legislative issues. As expressed by Washington Post journalist Dan Morgan, The most significant ware in American governmental issues today is publicizing time on TV. The issue with this announcement is that lone the individuals with cash approach this choice. Republican battle administrator, Mark Hanna, was cited saying, There are two things that are significant in legislative issues. The first is cash and I can't recollect what the second is. on the side of this statement, a great many dollars are spent on political crusades in a single week. One case of this issue is shown by Ralph Nader, the contender for the Green Party, who isn't also known as George W. Bramble or Al Gore. His fame has slacked in light of the fact that he doesn't have the assets to purchase as much TV time as the other, increasingly subsidized, applicants. When Nader, ran for Presidency in 1996, he just went through $5,000 of his own cash and got just a single percent of the votes. Likewise, on October 3, 2000, he was denied access into the third and last discussion at Washington University, and thus, he recorded a claim against the Commission of Presidential Debates. Despite the fact that all the essential passes were introduced, the CPD security despite everything would not let him enter onto the Washington University grounds, where he had a formerly planned meeting with the grounds TV channel. Conversely, when multimillionaire Ross Perot ran for administration as an outsider in 1992, he got right around a fifth of the votes since he could speak wit h people in general through paid media and discussions. Dissimilar to Ralph Nader in any case, Ross Perot was driving the race up until July, when he dropped out of the race in view of negative media that his family was accepting. At the point when he reemerged in October he spent over $37 million of his own cash for battle promotions and infomercials in the last month of crusade. Perot was permitted to take part in the presidential discussions, a benefit that Nader was denied. The presence of an applicant on open TV is significant. In the event that an individual can recognize the essence of a government official and what he has said in battles, at that point that applicant has a superior possibility of winning. The physical appearance of an up-and-comer can be an unequivocal subject in a political race. During the appointment of 1960, Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy were differentiated as two totally various individuals. Nixon was portrayed as Nixon-of-the-five-o'clock-shadow and Kennedy was depicted as attractive and young. The outcome: another energetic president. Likewise, in 1984, Ronald Reagan had all the earmarks of being in a befuddled perspective during a discussion and the musings of mature age influencing the applicant's capacity to completely work as President saturated the brains of numerous individuals. During the subsequent discussion, inquired as to whether he would have the option to completely work in an international strategy emerge ncy, he reacted by saying, I won't make age an issue in this battle. I won't abuse, for political purposes, my rival's childhood and naiveté. This one proclamation permitted the contender to endure the discussion of the media about his age. Media is the main path the greater part of the number of inhabitants in the United States discovers what occurs in legislative issues. TV is exceptional as in it is free media in light of the Communications Act of 1934, which was made to serve the open intrigue, accommodation and need. The media focuses on making the most fascinating stories, yet rather, they should focus on illuminating people in general about issues that are being examined in discussions and shows on the grounds that most of the overall population doesn't think enough about governmental issues to comprehend what is being

Thursday, June 4, 2020

On Popcorn, Pudewa and Video Writing Instruction

Oct 31 2019    You may have already heard some of the buzz from IEW ® about an upcoming important announcement. It’s exciting news that we are looking forward to sharing with you all. While the clock has been steadily counting down the hours and minutes until the big reveal, I’ve been looking back and reflecting on some of my family’s earliest experiences with IEW. For our first taste of Structure and Style ®, I selected a video-based course, and I’m so thankful. It was the catalyst that paved the way for our success—for my children in their writing and for me in my teaching. I distinctly remember the day I began teaching my little boys how to write with Structure and Style. It was midafternoon on a sunny and warm Monday. After I had prepared their writing notebooks, I brewed a fresh pot of iced tea and popped some popcorn. The mouth-watering aroma and cheerful sound of the popping kernels served as an extremely effective clarion call. My boys came running. â€Å"Why are you popping popcorn, mom?† my oldest asked. â€Å"It’s time to start our writing lesson,† I explained. â€Å"Head over to the couch. Don’t forget to get a napkin for yourself and your brother!† The boys scrambled over the back of the couch, plopped on a cushion, and began munching the salty, buttery corn. I took out the first disc, inserted it into the DVD player, and sat back in the recliner with my own notebook and pen and a tall glass of iced tea. Soothing music started. Over the next hour, give or take, the boys and I watched the â€Å"funny guy,† Andrew Pudewa, introduce Structure and Style and chart a course for writing for our year. My boys were engaged, and I felt, perhaps for the first time that day, rested and peaceful. The three of us came out of that, our very first video-based lesson, excited about the year and encouraged to begin writing right away. Video-based instruction is an educational approach that is growing in popularity and for good reason. For starters, incorporating video lightens the load of the instructor. Writing lesson plans requires a significant amount of a teacher’s time. Teachers gain back valuable hours when they are able to incorporate video for at least a portion of their instructional time. For the teacher it can mean the difference between feeling stressed and overworked to feeling empowered and relaxed. Another benefit teachers receive when they include video instruction in their classes and homeschools is expert modeling from master teachers. As I watched Andrew Pudewa teach my boys how to write all those many years ago, I was also learning; I was learning how to teach written expression to students. I had originally purchased IEW video curriculum because I felt ill-equipped to teach composition. My earlier attempts at it confirmed to me that I needed expert help. Sitting down with my boys that first day to watch Mr. Pudewa, I felt encouraged that I had finally found the support I needed to be able to learn how to teach what to me had previously been a nearly unteachable, nebulous subject: written expression. The benefits of video-based instruction extend to students as well. Today’s learners are familiar with video and connect well with it. It’s another way to introduce multisensory learning. Watching a video lesson, students are transported out of their physical classroom to another setting. This novelty helps retain students’ attention and engagement. Additionally, just as video instruction provides valuable modeling for the classroom or homeschool teacher, it also brings the â€Å"best and the brightest† instructors directly to the students. The students have the benefit of learning from the master teacher himself. This high-quality instruction translates into students who are better able to learn from and apply their lessons to their assignments. They feel equipped and able to tackle their assignments because they have learned from the best. Flexibility is another key feature for video-based instruction. Because videos are stored, either on a disc or in the cloud, they are always available. There’s no concern about missing a live-taught class. Knowing this, teachers are able to bring in video instruction when it works for them and are able to adjust the pacing and class session times to work best for their students. No longer is there any worry over missing instruction because it is always there and accessible. I am so glad we chose to use a video format for our family’s first taste of Structure and Style. We all learned so much. The boys learned how to write, and I learned how to teach writing. We all laughed too. Mr. Pudewa is funny! That inaugural IEW year led to many, many more successful writing experiences. Frankly, I don’t think we could have been as successful without experiencing that first video course. In hindsight it turned out to perhaps be the single most important key to creating the competent and confident communicators I have today. One final thought for you. While I can’t tell you what’s coming down the pike, I can help you be one of the first in the know. IEW has an online sign-up link that will allow you to be notified bright and early Wednesday, November 20, when all will be revealed. I encourage you to fill it out. It’s worth waiting for. In the words of Andrew Pudewa, â€Å"This is the best thing we have ever done. It is the most comprehensive. It is the most certain.† We can’t wait to share it with you.                                                                                           IEW ® and Structure and Style ® are registered trademarks of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.    Jennifer Mauser  has always loved reading and writing and received a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas in 1991. Once she and her husband had children, they decided to homeschool, and she put all her training to use in the home. In addition to homeschooling her children, Jennifer teaches IEW classes out of her home, coaches budding writers via  email,  and tutors students who struggle with dyslexia. Log in or register to post commentsJennifer Mausers blog Log in or register to post comments What could it be? Permalink By kpuddleglumNov10 Short of having a hologram of Andrew teaching in every IEW home I don't know what he could do to top what he has done already in changing the world! The wait is driving me nuts- Are they opening a school? Do we get points for guessing? I hate riddles! Is He doing a corny joke DVD?   Kathleen Van Every in DE Log in or register to post comments You wont have to wait much Permalink By Jennifer MauserNov11 You won't have to wait much longer! I promise! Log in or register to post comments

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Soren Kierkegaard Essay - 1309 Words

Project: Soren Kierkegaard: Mega Mind of the 19th Century Soren Kierkegaard: Mega Mind of the 19th Century As a man whose work spans across areas such as philosophy, theology, devotional literature, and more, Soren Kierkegaard is considered one of the mega-minds of philosophy and the 19th century. He was influenced by many people throughout his life, as well as influencing many people himself. With works that ranged from religious views all the way to developing a â€Å"new† way to view our surroundings, Kierkegaard was a very well-rounded and mentally profound man. There were few people that could influence such a profound mind at the time, but Kierkegaard found them both in church as well as in the realm of philosophy. As a whole†¦show more content†¦how deceptive then, that an omnipresent being should be recognisable precisely by being invisible’ (McDonald, 1996).† His father’s influence has been noted quite frequently in Kierkegaard’s works. Not only did Kierkegaard inherit his fathers melancholy, his sense of guilt and anxiety, and his pietistic emphasis on the dour aspects of Christian faith, but he also inherited his talents for philosophical argument and creative imagination (McDonald, 1996). Kierkegaard was a very religious man, even though he did not attend church on a regular basis. â€Å"He perceived God and existence of life from a humanistic view emphasizing the total autonomy of man (Philosopher Kierkegaard, 2011).† As almost a lone man standing, Kierkegaard was in seclusion publishing his writings for most of his adult life, due to the atheism of fellow philosophers of his time. â€Å"[Kierkegaard’s] legacy was his belief that our response to God should be one of unrestrained passion toward our beloved (Philosopher Kierkegaard, 2011).† During his later years Kierkegaard felt that the Christian religion had become corrupt through secular and political involvement, so he started to attack Christendom sayingShow MoreRelatedSoren Kierkegaard on God1772 Words   |  7 PagesKierkegaard claims that, Infinite resignation is the last stage before faith, so anyone who has not made this movement does not have faith, for only in infinite resignation does an individual become conscious of his eternal validity, and only then can one speak of grasping existence by virtue of faith, (page 52). This idea is demonstrated when Abraham surrenders himself to his fate and surrenders the life of his son to God. This infinite resignation is the reason God grants Abraham his son’s lifeRead MoreEssay The Father of Existentialism: Soren Kierkegaard1068 Words   |  5 Pagesphilosophical thinking begin with the human in terms of thinking, acting and feeling. The fundamental concepts of the externalist philosophers are that they believed that the existence of human conditions is the main problem to share similar ontology. Soren Kierkegaard is considered to be the father of existenti alism. Although, he did not use the word ‘existentialism’, but initially the concept that no society or religion is the main cause that leads an individual to live a life with sincerity or passionatelyRead MoreA Summary, Analysis and Discussion of Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard, Training in Christianity2560 Words   |  11 PagesA  summary, analysis and discussion of Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard, Training in Christianity[1] I. Introduction In this essay, I will try to summarize, analyze and discuss several pages of Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard’s Training in Christianity. I will try to focus on his approach to sacred history, a general Christian history and Christianity, which he discusses in this work in relation to faith in God. In other parts of this essay I will attempt also to relate these pages of his work to some key ideas ofRead MoreSoren Kierkegaard And The Existentialist Philosophy1116 Words   |  5 Pages 2. The Existentialist philosophy, started by Soren Kierkegaard, focuses on self-directed education, finding answers within yourself. Students are not graded because all standards come from themselves. This philosophy emphasizes freedom of choice and mind, and that authentic creative thinking leads to true learning experiences (Cohen). The teacher helps students find their passions and understand who they are. Existentialism has never become prevalent in schools because it is difficult to apply inRead MorePhilosophical Fragments By Soren Kierkegaard Essay922 Words   |  4 PagesIn Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard’s book, â€Å"Philosophical Fragments† he first prefaces his writing by explaining his own inadequacy to do so. It is his desire to deliberate upon the actuality of truth and it’s application to the human existence, but in order to do so, he deemed it necessary to admit that â€Å"What is offered here is only a pamphlet...without any claim to being a part of the s cientific-scholarly endeavor†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Preface 1 IV 176). Near the end of his preface Kierkegaard, in efforts to convey his intentRead MoreThe Existential Choice : Soren Kierkegaard1368 Words   |  6 PagesSoren Kierkegaard is a Danish philosopher and theologian who attempted to deliver his existentialist point of views. Specifically, Kierkegaard emphasizes the need for humans to take responsibility for their actions and go beyond their â€Å"socially imposed identities† (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). According to his earliest major work â€Å"Either/Or,† he suggests humans are reluctantly stuck between two spheres of life that they must choose between: aesthetic or ethical. He delves into what constitutesRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Plato, Soren Kierkegaard, And Friedrich Nietzsche2613 Words   |  11 Pagesjournal with the goal of recounting my travels to different philosophical societies. Remarkably, each one of the three societies I was privileged enough to travel to r igidly followed a renowned philosophy. These were the philosophies of Plato, Soren Kierkegaard, and Friedrich Nietzsche. The Republic The first society I visited was that of Plato ’s philosophy. The residents were very kind and sought out true meanings of different vi rtues solely by dialectic. They structured their city much the sameRead MoreThe Individual or Society Essay1235 Words   |  5 Pagesinterest. Due to that contradiction, individualism is often contrasted with society or anti-individualism. Does the interest of the individual produce society or does the interest of society produce the individual? To defend individualism will be Soren Kierkegaard and to defend society will be Bertolt Brecht. What is the price of individuality and is it worth the cost? To be an individual is to have individual thoughts, however our actions throughout our life are far from individualistic. Our thoughtsRead MoreThe Song Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield850 Words   |  3 Pagesexistentialism music seems to span from much of the well-known literature. Existentialism is prominently seen in literature through the minds of geniuses like Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Sartre. The Concept of Anxiety by Kierkegaard helps to explain the true definition of anxiety and why it exists. â€Å"Learning to understand anxiety is an adventure† (Kierkegaard). Anxiety is having fear for the unknown, so there is nothing truly there to fear. ( dark causes great fear but the fear is of somethingRead MoreComparing and Contrasting Nietzsche’s Preparatory Human Being and Kierkegaard’s Knight of Faith1469 Words   |  6 Pagesto some question, proposed about subjects that are necessarily personal in nature. All of philosophy is personal, but some philosophers may deny this. Discussed here are philosophers that would not be that silly. Two proto-existentialists, Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche, were keen observers of humanity, and yet their conclusions were different enough to seem contradictory. Discussed here will be Nietzsche’s â€Å"preparatory human being† and Kierkegaard’s â€Å"knight of faith†. Both are archetypal

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof free essay sample

A discussion of the character Big Daddy, in Tennessee Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. This paper examines in detail the character of Big Daddy and what he represents. The story revolves around him and his family, and their reaction to his pending death from cancer. The characters personalities are explored and their relationships to each other are examined. Big Daddy wishes to leave his estate to his son but the son is unmarried and has no children. Homosexuality, father-son relationships and inter-personal communication are all topics addressed in this paper. Big Daddy was just a drifter when he first came to the plantation owned by two gay men, Jack Straw and Peter Ochello. He only intended to stay long enough to do some yard work and make some pocket money, but he ends up becoming the overseer of the plantation, and inherits it when they die. He loves the twenty-eight thousand acres of the richest land this side of the valley Nile, and he is determined it will stay with Brick, who he thinks is the better and more deserving of his two sons. We will write a custom essay sample on Cat on a Hot Tin Roof or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Stylistic Analysis Of A Cup Of Tea Essay Example For Students

Stylistic Analysis Of A Cup Of Tea Essay 1. Introduction To be honest, when I read the story, I thought how absurd this is. The first appearance of the story to me was just like this. But when I re- thought about some details I realised that the story is not that absurd. Above, it includes some social factors in it. And I think my assignment is going to be all about those details, because for me, truth always hides itself in details, so to analyse this story Im to deal with them. We will write a custom essay on Stylistic Analysis Of A Cup Of Tea specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now 2. Summary of the story The story is all about Rosemary Fell, a rich, young and modern country woman and one of her shopping days. This day, and an extra-ordinary day it was, started after she got out from an antique shop with a little box in her mind, that she is planing to buy. What made this ordinary day, extra- ordinary came with a voice of a young, poor girl, Miss Smith. She was shyly asking money for a cup of tea. At the moment Rosemary couldnt believe her ears. How can someone doesnt have money, even for a cup of tea? She thought a little, and decided to make an invitation. She invited this young, poor girl to her home. After some insist, Miss Smith accepted this invitation. They went home and had some cup of tea, and chat for a while. It was a chat that mostly Rosemary talk and Miss Smith listen with tears in her eyes. Then Philip, the husband of Rosemary appeared. He was confused to see Miss Smith, because she is not like one of the other friends of Rosemary. Then he wanted to talk with her and they went to the library. They had a conversation about the poor girl. Philip thought this situation is ridiculous, besides, he thought that Miss Smith is beautiful and pretty. This thought of Philip shocked Rosemary. She didnt look to her as Philip did. After she got out from the library she decided to give some money to her and let her go. Jealousy was the only reason for this. 3. Ideational functions a. Rosemary as participant i Relational process We can both understand her physical and personal state from the story. Everybody seems to be cheerful to her and acts like she is the one and only. This lady is the most active role of the story. We even can say the story is based on her. There are some sentences used to describe her image. a. She was young, brilliant, extremely modern, exquisitely well dressed b. how charming her hands were against the blue velvet. ii. Mental process Mentally Rosemary is the organiser of the story, everything starts with her and so they finish with her. Her words are the commands for the others. For example, if she wants, Miss Smith to come home and have a cup of tea with her, Miss Smith must obey. Her commands are indeclinable. Although she seems to be philanthropic. I  think she is not, for me she is so selfish. a. It would be thrilling taking the poor girl home b. And she heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends I simply took her home with me c. Well keep it for me. Will you? Ill but the shop man had already bowed as though keeping it for her was all any human being can ask. He would be willing, of course, to keep it for her forever. Miss Smith as participant i Relational process She is the blur character of the story. Although we couldnt find information about her, she is the second important role. She appears to be young, poor, shy and pretty. But for me her main appearance is her tiredness. Besides, her personal or physical states are not that clear as Rosemarys. .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 , .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .postImageUrl , .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 , .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9:hover , .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9:visited , .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9:active { border:0!important; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9:active , .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9 .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uecbd1c5915c0793db5fd64d4371416c9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Twelfth Night: refer closely to the text and show the love and pain that Orsino, Olivia and viola experience Essaya. said the girl and there was pain in her voice b. Battered creature with enormous eyes, someone quite young ii Mental process There seems to be nothing abut her mental process. From the beginning till the end she just did what she is said to. a. Wont you take off your hat? very good madam and the crushed hat was taken off b. The girl stayed just as she had been put Philip as participant i Relational process We can just guess his personal and physical state. We can say that, he is a gentleman and he is a nice guy. And I think he is charming. a. will Miss Smith excuse us b. Philip smiled his charming smile ii. Mental process I think, he exist in the story to make the final boom. Everything changes after his appearance. And he did this by saying: a. She is so astonishingly pretty b. she is absolutely lovely c. I was bowled over 4. Lexis Rosemary represent the rich in this story, and Miss Smith is the poor one. Depending to this situation, the words used to describe them are totally different. We can see that the words describing Rosemary are stronger than the words used for Miss Smith. The words for Rosemary are: brilliant, extremely modern, exquisitely well-dressed, quite presentable and amusing; and I think one word gives the clue of how Miss Smith look like: creature not even a human. As we understand these two women can also be described as powerful and weak. Rosemary has the power because she has the money, and money always brings power. Miss smith is poor, so she is weak. This situation has nothing to do with their characters, if we switch the places of these two women, this time Miss Smith will be the powerful one. I mean money = power . When we think that this story is written by a woman, we can understand why Philip thought pretty about Miss Smith. A man will never mind the social status, they always look to a woman within a different point of view pretty,  or not pretty thats the question! and this is the only thing they can think about, except football and cars. 5. Textual and interpersonal functions Rosemary proves her power in every dialogue. In her relationships, she is always the number one. She happen to be a commander. The first dialogue happens with the shop man and he seems like, he can do everything for Rosemary. But for me, the most important dialogue in the story is between Rosemary and Miss Smith. When I read that dialogue, a picture from my mind appeared in my eyes. I asked to myself , if I also had this kind of a dialogue, and I remember those homeless children, trying to sell me handkerchief. Just like Miss Smith, they are trying to be respectful to me. After I realised that, although I didnt want, I treated them just like Rosemary did to Miss Smith. I think, when one feels superior, this is inescapable. There is also another dialogue we can see between Philip and Rosemary. In that conversation, although Philip seems to be the stronger one, he could not change Rosemarys mind. And I guess there is no one in the world can change this kind of a womans mind, except love. 6. Conclusion Before making my conclusion, I read the stuff I wrote, and I saw, mainly I mentioned; how poor is Miss Smith and how rich is Rosemary, and their appearance as two different women. And within the light of these, Im happy to write: In conclusion, I can say that although a human is always a human, the instincts are always stronger than humanity. As we can see, at the very beginning, Rosemary was trying to be helpful to Miss Smith, but when jealousy came to the scene, she gave 3 pounds and simply kicked Miss Smith. I think this is the rule of the world, both in the wild animal life and in modern human life